I have two windows machines on a company network. I have installed wsl2 (Ubuntu) and Nvidia pytorch docker image inside. I run docker with: docker run --gpus all -p 1777:1777 -p 1778:1778 --ipc=host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -it -v/mnt/d:/mnt nvcr.io/nvidia/...
Hello, I recently updated a machines Docker Desktop version to latest. When launching I am greeted with this message: I cannot run wsl --update since this machine has no internet access. I have tried going to this …
I have an Ubuntu distro running on WSL2 with Mirrored Networking enabled, so the virtual machine and the host share IP and adapter. Inside the distro, I have Docker installed with several services running, listening on different ports. I can correctly access the services running directly...
I try to use wsl2 with cuda in windows 11. I followed theofficial docker tutorialand installed docker desktop, everything works fine till now. Then I try to use ffmpeg with nvidia hardware decoder in docker. Here is the simplest dockerfile to build the ffmpeg with nvidia acceleration. Dock...
My operating system is Win11, I use docker and wsl2 at the same time, and the code is in the wsl system. When I run rails server I get a docker compose error: invalid interpolation format for services.web.working_dir: "//wsl$/Ubuntu/data/code/xxx". You may nee...
docker,docker-desktop-for-w,wsl2,windows vinnythegooch9April 2, 2024, 7:27pm4 So I went and looked since you helped me realize my WSL version was indeed out of date and found a mirror to download the kernel. After quitting and re-opening Docker Desktop it seems like that ...
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Docker version: 4.2.0. WSL 2 is used as base engine. Proxy is enforced in the network (i.e. SSL forward proxy occurs). These issues can apply to Docker in Ubuntu or other WSL Linux distros, Linux distros, or Docker in Hyper-V virtual machines, etc. Prerequisites The high-level approa...
Description I've installed Docker Desktop on my windows 11 home computer and I'm unable to start the WSL backend I need to start containers. I get the error: running engine: waiting for the Docker API: engine linux/wsl failed to run: sta...
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:alpine(example) Go tolocalhost:8080 Cannot connect Try from WSLcurl http//localhost:8080same issue Expected Behavior To forward the port and be able to connect to my containers Actual Behavior Doesn't forward the port, so I cannot connect to my containers. ...