ubuntu16.04 在安装neofetch的时候会遇到E: Unable to locate package neofetch,这里提供一种解决方式 在遇到错误搜索之后发现,几乎所有的文章都是先sudo apt-get update然后sudo apt-get install neofetch. 但是我都未解决我的问题 继续搜索之后发现这样可以解决 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch sudo ...
to locate package qt5-default E: Unable to locate package qttools5-dev-tools The command, Requires installing a PPA and certain packages for qt5 support., Reading package lists..., Done E: Unable to locate package meofetch t@pop-os:~$ sudo apt-get remove neofetch Reading package lists ...