:上面的地址,参考这个http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38896424/tensorflow-not-found-in-pip 安装matplotlib,参考http://matplotlib.org/1.5.1/users/installing.html用下面的命令可以安装,scipy同理。 sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
然而会报错:E: Unable to locate package beef-xss 这是因为我们的Kali Linux中当前的apt资源列表中找不到该包。 解决办法,更改apt的资源列表。 1. 编辑/etc/apt/sources.list文件: sudovim /etc/apt/sources.list 2. 添加旧的资源信息: deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-fre...
to locate package <adwaita-icon-theme:arm64>E:Unable to locate package <sound-theme-freedesktop:arm64> E: Unable to locate package 浏览0提问于2020-08-10得票数 -1 回答已采纳 1回答 徐本图至卢本图 、、 , so not removed E: Unable to locate packagefirefox-gnome-support E: Unable to locat...
but rather be simply "pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex". If pdf generation is not working, you will receive "file not found" for the pdf step. It seems that Texmaker is unable to locate the binaries in the specified location. To rectify...
Unable to pip install Cartopy Hello, I'm trying to install the Cartopy package for use with matplotlib in my virtual env, however there seems to be a problem with the Proj4 version... I'm not sure how to fix this. Collecting Cartopy==0.14.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) ...
Docker启动ubuntu容器中安装后报错,E: Unable to locate package openssh-server 2019-12-12 15:31 −问题: 我们在ubuntu容器中安装openssh-server时会发生如下错误: 这是因为ubuntu软件源出问题,导致无法找到或者下载软件,一般原因是刚安装的Ubantu后没有更新软件源或者更新后但是没有sudo apt-get update,导致找...
no pip安装matplotlib报错:equired packages can not be 解决Centos7 安装sklearn gcc: error: ‘-Qunused- CentOS字体安装 U-Mail四个管理后台介绍 linux设备驱动中重要的3个数据结构 Linux 磁盘结构 Nginx错误The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port ssh无法启动fatal: daemon() failed: No such device...
Linux 环境,我的电脑叫枝桠(机器的hostname), 每次执行sudo 就出现这个警告讯息: 直接修改 /etc/hosts 的内容,在 localhost 后面加上自己机器的hostname,我的是枝桠,加上后就是 12
http://askubuntu.com/questions/130532/sudo-apt-get-install-ubuntu-desktop-error-unable-to-locate-package 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This may help you!!! Enter the followinginterminal sudo su apt-getclean cd /var/lib/apt mv lists lists.old ...
然而会报错:E: Unable to locate package beef-xss 这是因为我们的Kali Linux中当前的apt资源列表中找不到该包。 解决办法,更改apt的资源列表。 1. 编辑/etc/apt/sources.list文件: sudovim /etc/apt/sources.list 2. 添加旧的资源信息: deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-fre...