事实上,这是应该检查的第一件事。例如,要在Ubuntu上安装Mariadb服务器,如果键入的是mariabd-server而不是mariadb-server,则会出现错误: $ sudo apt install mariabd-server 此外,以大写字符键入包名称也会导致此错误。例如,键入MARIADB-SERVER将导致相同的错误。因此,建议检查软件包的拼写,以防遇到此错误。此外,...
注意:上面的PPA和URL是一个示例,你可能需要根据你的Ubuntu版本和架构找到正确的PPA和URL。 添加PPA后,再次尝试安装MariaDB包。 遵循以上步骤应该可以帮助你解决“unable to locate package mariadb”的问题。如果问题依旧存在,请检查你的网络连接或考虑是否有其他系统配置问题影响了包管理器的正常工作。
Sometimes, when installing a package on Ubuntu using theAPT package manager, you might bump into the error “E: Unable to locate package“. This might seem a little confusing especially when you have checked your internet connection and are sure everything is in place. In this tutorial, we ...
"E: Unable to locate package mariadb-backup" [Answer] This means that package can't be found within your repositories, so the question is which repo are you using? 4 years, 5 months ago Michael Stern Re: Can't install on Debian 9. "E: Unable to locate package mariadb-b...
Docker启动ubuntu容器中安装后报错,E: Unable to locate package openssh-server 2019-12-12 15:31 −问题: 我们在ubuntu容器中安装openssh-server时会发生如下错误: 这是因为ubuntu软件源出问题,导致无法找到或者下载软件,一般原因是刚安装的Ubantu后没有更新软件源或者更新后但是没有sudo apt-get update,导致找...
It seems running the command: sudo apt install mariadb-server php-mysql install the php 7.2 version. So, how do I get the command "Unable to locate package php7.3-mysql" to run? or can I use php 7.2 in MYSQl but use php fpm 7.3 for the wordpress? Any help is grateful. Thank you...
mariadb.service - MariaDB database server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2019-02-14 02:13:33 EST; 3min 38s ago Process: 5773 ExecStartPost=/usr/libexec/mariadb-wait-ready $MAINPID...
Serverfehler 21 Amazon QuickSight ***Unable to locate subtitle*** Amazon QuickSight -API-Operationen nach Thema Verwenden Sie diesen Abschnitt, um QuickSight API-Operationen nach Themen. Themen • QuickSight API-Operationen zur Zugriffskontrolle • QuickSight API-Operationen zur Steuerung von Ein...
I am ending up with Unable to locate package docker-engine , container , I need to install git : FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN, Question: During my Docker container build process, I attemptted, E: Unable to locate package netcat E: Unable to locate package build-essential E: Unable to locate pa...
Architectural overview 7 EnginFrame Administrator Guide Deploying the service ***Unable to locate subtitle*** When EnginFrame Portal is installed on one host, it's called a basic installation. The Server Tier contains the Agent that's used to access the Resource Tier. The efnobody user runs ...