针对你遇到的“e: unable to locate package libopenjpeg-dev”问题,我将按照提供的tips逐一解答: 确认用户所使用的操作系统及包管理器: 假设你使用的是Ubuntu或Debian系统,这两个系统通常使用apt作为包管理器。 搜索是否有关于libopenjpeg-dev包的特殊安装源或PPA: 对于Ubuntu系统,你可以尝试添加OpenJPEG的PPA来获...
Done E: Unable to locate Ubuntu-restricted-extras FIXING THIS To fix this : 1. Open Terminal 2. Run the command below for your system to be updated: $ sudo apt-get update After the update has been completed re-run apt-get with the package you were trying to install. For now we ...