i had this same error trying to export to pdf from a dev-container based on mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/dotnet:0-6.0-bullseye-slim, but that apt-get install command failed with a message E: Unable to locate package libappindicator1 i just removed libappindicator1 from the long ...
The VS Code extension has stopped working. I'm working with Angular 8 workspaces. "npm install hint --save-dev" didn't fix it 🐛 Bug report Description Error message: "Unable to start webhint. Ensure you are using the latest version of th...
I was able to cross-compile the ONNX runtime 1.15.1 for ARM 32-bit, but had to make sure no more recent version of Protobuf was installed locally on my PC. For cross-compiling the ONNX runtime 1.11.0 this was however not needed. I think they messed up a bit their CMake build ...
ERROR Error: Exception in HostFunction: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t" referenced by "/data/app/~~fynXGyPp6IZfvRTcI2VsZA==/app.examkl.debug-Cv4pN6CcTrP5D8avkDMOjg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a/libreanimated.so"..., js engine:...