Ubuntu is a user-friendly Linux distro well-known for its stability and vast software catalog. However, even the most seasoned Ubuntu users are likely to encounter the "E: Unable to locate package" error. This error message usually appears when you are trying to install a package via APT. ...
DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 MACHINE=imx6qsabresd source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-x11,报错:Missing package:makeinfo,chrpath, 接着,依次执行sudo apt-get install makeinfo,sudo apt-get install chrpath,chrpath可正常安装,但makeinfo却安装不了。 问题现象: 安装makeinfo时,报错:Unable to locate package:makei...
针对您遇到的问题 e: unable to locate package ros-noetic-mavros e: unable to locate package ro,这里有几个可能的解决步骤,我会分点详细解释并给出相应的操作指导: 1. 确认包名是否正确 首先,请确保您尝试安装的包名 ros-noetic-mavros 和ro 是正确的。通常,ro 可能是一个输入错误或者误解,因为ROS(Robot...
rosdep update# 取消代理rmrosdep_recover.sh ; wget https://gitee.com/ncnynl/rosdep/raw/master/rosdep_recover.sh ; sudochmod+x ./rosdep_recover.sh; sudo ./rosdep_recover.sh 成功截图 对应的文件 在三个不同终端输入验证 roscore rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key 成...
E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org //This is the error Why is there occurring and is there a work around? node.js mongodb installation I faced same issue but fix it by the changing the package file section command. The whole step that i followed was: ...
E: Unable to locate package package_name The error is self explanatory. Your Linux system cannot find the package that you are trying to install. But why is it so? Why can it not find the package? Let’s see some of the actions you can take to fix this issue. ...
Let’s review the steps to fix the error on our Linux systems today. We’ll be working on the error as per theapt package manager. 1. Analyzing Source Lists Source lists are used to locate archives of the package distribution system in use on the system. This means that when we request...
Done E: Unable to locate package gitlab-ce gitlab@mycompany-gitlab01:~$ max maxsoft June 11, 2020, 1:49pm 5 salim-rashid: changing utopic to trusty Salim, Trusty e Utopic are 2 distro name of ubuntu 14.x Please, don’t spam. Dont reply any cost. Thank you for your interest...
Distro:Ubuntu 24.04 (fresh installation with no other software installed) Kernel Version: ofuname -r) Problem Description It appears that theuname -rcommand in WSL 2 returns a kernel version that does not correspond to any availablelinux-headerspackage in ...
Description Unable to locate package ros-foxy-rviz-visual-tools environment ROS Distro: Foxy OS Version: e.g. Ubuntu 20.04 Source build Hi there, I have run into some issues when following along the Moveit2 Getting Started tutorial. Any ...