在Termux 中返回 "unable to locate package" 错误通常表示无法找到所需的软件包。这可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 软件源配置错误:Termux 使用软件源来获取和安装软件包。如果软件源配置错误或不正确,就无法找到所需的软件包。您可以通过检查软件源配置文件来解决此问题,并确保其正确性。 软件包名称错误:您可能...
There are plenty of providers that reorganise their docs every year or so and leave half the internet pointing to 404s but Nvidia has to be one of the biggest and best resourced. andgmtz mentioned this issue Nov 27, 2023 E: Unable to locate package nvidia-container-toolkit-base NVIDIA/...
ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully The build succeeds when CUDA and Bazel are apt-get install'd, e.g. in a Dockerfile build environment. So it seems to be Conda that's introducing the inability to locate libcudart.so. Not sure where to go from here!
I type in root, it says root is not currently installed and tells me what to type in to install it; I type that in and I get the error message "Unable to locate package root-system-bin"... I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I just installed it onto an older HP laptop... View 11 R...
ubuntu 安装软件时出现 E: Unable to locate package vsftpd Docker下安装vim 报错 E: Unable to locate package vim E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Unable to initialize 'javax.el.ExpressionFactory'. Check that you have the E Fatal error in launcher: Unable to crea...
——ubuntu安装cmake相关问题解决参考文章:Unableto locate package ——Linux新手入门:Unableto locate package错误解决办法 --...git clone https://github.com/CrowCpp/Crow.git 进入Crow目录,创建build目录,并进入。 mkdirbuildcdbuildcmake...例如如下所示:CMakeErrorat /...
Just to add to the confusion. I had this start on me in the last week. The solution has 8 projects in it. After applying the fix above the problem seems to be resolved. Maybe the location in the vbproj file matters. This solution existed for more than a year before the problem began...
E: Unable to locate package cuda-10-1 I found there is at least one other having the same issue with me:#39506 I follow the advice given in that issue and instead of executing the commands that gave me errors, I do the following (as instructedhere): ...
And here is my modified DockerFile per @i11 quick recommendation (which did get me past the original Unable to locate package conda error: ARG IMAGE_TYPE=extras ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:22.04 # extras or core FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as requirements-core ARG GO_VERSION=1.21.7 ARG BUILD_TYPE ARG...
you would see it listed there. However, if CUDA was installed system-wide and not specifically within the Conda environment, you might need to locate it using standard system paths or the method corresponding to your OS (like checking/usr/local/cudafor Linux or using the NVIDIA Control Panel...