letuknowit@ubuntu:~$sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client [sudo] password for letuknowit: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done E: Unable to locate package mysql-server E: Unable to locate package mysql-client letuknowit@ubuntu:~$ 这叫...
针对你遇到的问题 "unable to locate package g++-multilib",我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认用户使用的操作系统及包管理器 首先,需要确认你正在使用的操作系统及对应的包管理器。g++-multilib 是一个用于支持在64位系统上编译32位程序的GNU C++编译器集合。因此,这个问题通常出现在基于Debian或Ubuntu的...
我的研究结果:adbdevices daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037Done E:Unabletolocatepackage lib32z1 E:Unableto 浏览11提问于2015-12-29得票数1 3回答 试图安装ubuntu for nexus无法找到软件包 、、 但每次我试着安装android-tools-fastbootDone E:Unabletoandroid-tools-adbE:Unabletolocatepacka...
E: Unable to locate package libfuse3-dev E: Unable to locate package gcc-c+ E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'gcc-c+' And when I try to install anyway, I get an error on the lastmakecommand: make [ 64%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/apfs.dir/ApfsLib/GptPartitionMap.cpp....
I am following the build instructions, preparing to build on Ubuntu 15.10 and get the following error when attempting to load packages for the build: Unable to locate package libjson-rpc-cpp-dev When deleting that package from the list I...
and using CMake to build your project, you may encounter an error message stating “CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to Ninja”. This error usually occurs when the build system is unable to locate the Ninja build tool, which is required by CMake to compile your code...
——ubuntu安装cmake 相关问题解决参考文章: Unable to locate package ——Linux新手入门:Unable to locate package错误解决办法 --...git clone https://github.com/CrowCpp/Crow.git 进入Crow目录,创建build目录,并进入。 mkdir build cd build cmake ...例如如下所示: ...
Linux轻量级监控工具nmon工具的安装和使用 修复Ubuntu 中“E Unable to locate package package_name”错误 查看IIS 中每个网站的资源使用情况 Linux监听网络流量工具iftop Mysqldump命令参数介绍 Blackbox Exporter 端口监控与网络探测实现 FirewallD防火墙 常见网络攻击类型及排查处理建议 端口状态 LISTENING、ESTABLISHED、TIM...
Re: E: Unable to locate package update Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:08 am try Code:Select all sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y (Remove unneeded packages, fix broken installs, update package list, upgrade installed packages)....
Could not locate executable pathf95 don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix' compiling '_configtest.c': /This file is generated from numpy/distutils/system_info.py/ void ATL_buildinfo(void); int main(void) { ATL_buildinfo(); ...