遇到“unable to execute clang-tidy: clang-tidy is not found or cannot be executed”这个错误时,通常意味着系统无法找到或无法执行clang-tidy。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查问题: 确认clang-tidy是否已正确安装: 首先,需要确保clang-tidy已经正确安装在你的系统上。你可以通过包管理器来...
clang-tidy未在系统路径中:如果Clang-Tidy没有被正确地添加到系统路径中,系统将无法找到该工具并执行。在这种情况下,你需要手动将Clang-Tidy的路径添加到系统路径中,或者在调用Clang-Tidy时指定完整的路径。 解决方案 下面是一些解决"unable to execute clang-tidy"错误消息的常见方法: 检查Clang-Tidy的安装:确保你已...
(1) Error:(1, 1) Unable to execute Clang-Tidy: clazy-standalone is not ... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70840061/error1-1-unable-to-execute-clang-tidy-clazy-standalone-is-not-found-or-cann. (2) Error:(1, 1) Unable to execute Clang-Tidy: clazy-standalone is not ... https...
使用这个命令,Clang-Tidy将在系统路径中查找并执行。如果Clang-Tidy已正确安装并在系统路径中,它将对main.cpp文件进行静态代码分析。选项2:指定Clang-Tidy的完整路径调用 bashCopy code /path/to/clang-tidy main.cpp 使用这个命令,你需要将/path/to/clang-tidy替换为你的Clang-Tidy实际安装路径,并且它将会对main....
unable to execute clang-tidy 【摘要】 android ndk开发时,报错: unable to execute clang-tidy 提示 open settings,把确认的√去掉,就可以了报错临时去掉。 android ndk开发时,报错: unable to execute clang-tidy 提示open settings,把确认的√去掉,就可以了报错临时去掉。
The error code appears to be ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE 206 (0xCE) The filename or extension is too long. Any idea why that could occur? Are you able to get clang-tidy to run in a different workspace? Are you able to get it to work using the version of clang-tidy that is ship...
Bug Summary:I am using the CMake extension and a custom build of Boost installed to a separate directory under /opt. CMake is building a compile_commands.json that adds it as -isystem . clang-tidy is adding it as -I , which is triggering various errors that I don't care about....