整了一个根据当前运行环境是否为 (dev,test,pro) 去显示是否开启swagger: @Beanpublic Docket docket(Environment environment) { // 设置要显示的swagger 环境 Profiles p = Profiles.of("dev","test"); // 通过environment.acceptsProfiles 判断是否处在自己设定的环境中 boolean b = environment.acceptsProfiles(...
为什么springfox-swagger2 UI告诉我Unable to infer base url.据我所知,我使用的是典型的Swagger Spring 启动配置。 如屏幕截图所示,支持UI的swagger-fox网址为example.com/api。注意:导航到:https://localhost:9600/api/v2/api-docs/时,我得到一个标准的SpringWhitelabel Error Page。我怀疑这是问题的根源吗?我没...
No type was found that matches the controller named 'swagger' please not the i am usingSwashbuckle.Net45 version 5.2.1 Updateafter prefixing the paths with "api/" in routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}"" i was able to load the UI but none of paths and definitions are em...
The swagger-ui is available when running locally, but when deploying the application to Openshift, i cannot have access to swagger-ui, but the curl localhost:8080/openapi.yaml is available, and the api respond correctly. I have also added the property : quarkus.swagger-ui.always-include=true...
在使用IDEA+SpringBoot集成Swagger2时发现SpringBoot启动正常,没有报错,但当使用浏览器防止http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html地址时浏览器提示如下: Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root...
Using: 2.5.0 Spring Boot 1.3.5 Spring 4.3.0 @Configuration @EnableSwagger2 @EnableWebMvc public class SwaggerConfig { @Bean public Docket api() { return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2) .select() .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.any(...
I have found a solution for myself. I am not usingUseOpenApiandUseSwaggerUi3fromNswag.AspnetCorepackage anymore, so I decided to remove this package and use theUseSwaggerandUseSwaggerUIfromSwashbuckle.AspNetCoreandSwashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI ...
swagger报错:记录 swagger报错:Unable to render this definition 报错截图 问题原因 在controller中,有重复的@api导致无法识别(很遗憾,我遇到的不是这个) 具体问题,具体分析 在此记录,谢谢。 swagger报错:Unable to render this definition 报错截图 问题原因 在controller中,有重复的@ap... ...
Google了一下,StackOverflow上说是获取不到Swagger需要的资源(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47425048/why-does-springfox-swagger2-ui-tell-me-unable-to-infer-base-url) 帖子里提到的两个方案: 1. 使用@EnablerSwagger2注解 2. 允许匿名访问下列URL ...
网上说了很多解决办法, 有的是手动配置配置一个外置的Tomcat, 有的说是jar包冲突. 仔细想想应该都没有把握核心, Springboot已经集成了内置的Tomcat, 所以没有必要再配置一个外置的Tomcat. 错误日志有一句信息很重要: