and result of pkcs11-tool -O --login is: Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0) Logging in to "testuser (User PIN)". Please enter User PIN: Public Key Object; RSA 2048 bits label: testuser ID: 01 Usage: verify Access: none Certificate Object; type = X.509 cert label: testus...
- User Group Provider [unique key] - The identifier of user group providers to load from. The name of each property must be unique, for example: "User Group Provider A", "User Group Provider B", "User Group Provider C" or "User Group Provider 1", "User Group Provider 2", "User G...
We are using Windows 2003 Certificate Authorities, and we are unable to Export certificates as .PFX, our only options are, DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER), Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER), or Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard - PKCS #7 Certificates (.P7B). The .PFX option is grayed...
ks.load(fis, nPassword); fis.close(); System.out.println("keystore type=" + ks.getType()); // Now we loop all the aliases, we need the alias to get keys. // It seems that this value is the "Friendly name" field in the // detals tab <-- Certificate window <-- view <--...
Author DGrady83 commented Mar 7, 2022 Unfortunately it did not even create the output file. Here is the log file [root@ip-[maskedIP .Setup]# more softwareauthorization.log Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (icui18n: cannot open shared object file: No such fil...
c++创建的(napi_create_object),或者作为参数传下来的js value,如果想持久持有,需要怎么做?以及怎么主动销毁或减少引用计数 在ArkTS层往C++层注册一个object或function,C++层可以按需往这个回调上进行扔消息同步到上层应用么,请提供示例?在注册object或function时,napi_env是否可以被长时持有?扔消息同步到上层应用时...
c++创建的(napi_create_object),或者作为参数传下来的js value,如果想持久持有,需要怎么做?以及怎么主动销毁或减少引用计数 在ArkTS层往C++层注册一个object或function,C++层可以按需往这个回调上进行扔消息同步到上层应用么,请提供示例?在注册object或function时,napi_env是否可以被长时持有?扔消息同步到上层应用...
Hello, When I try to access, source code of a class in a library, I see a decompiled version of that class. On the top I do see...
After moving I was able to load properly :)Thanks for your help, it's much appreciatedJ 0 Daniel Schuba Created February 10, 2016 21:33 I have the same problem and I tried everything mentioned here and still have the problem with the settings can't be saved error and also some ...
- User Group Provider [unique key] - The identifier of user group providers to load from. The name of each property must be unique, for example: "User Group Provider A", "User Group Provider B", "User Group Provider C" or "User Group Provider 1", "User Group Provider 2", ...