eclipse自动编译项目后,在problems中出现了许多Unable to load annotation processor factory,说找不到XXX.jar。 解决办法: 打开项目属性—》Java Compiler—》Annotation Processing—》Factory Path 把右侧出现的各种jar全部清除掉,下图是我清理完之后的结果。 清理完成后—》Apply and Close 。到此结束!
使用eclipse导入别人的项目时候,报错Unable to load annotation processor factory 'xxxxx.jar' for project。 解决方案 1、项目右键——Properties 2、Java Compiler——Annotation Procession——Factory Path 3、Apply 现在正常了。 参考资料 Unable to load annotation processor factory...
Eclipse导入别人的项目报错:Unable to load annotation processor factory 'xxxxx.jar' for project 问题显示:window-->show view-->other-->problems Unable to load annotation processor factory 'xxxxx.jar' for project 解决方法:项目右键——Properties——Java Compiler——Annotation Procession——Factory Path—...
Description Resource Path Location Type Unable to load annotation processor factory 'D:\java\maven\respo\org\springframework\boot\spring-boot-configuration-processor\1.4.4.RELEASE\spring-boot-configuration-processor-1.4.4.RELEASE.jar' for project springbo 在这个以下位置坐对应调整即可 $(function () {...
I'm unable to make it work I mean, I understand the compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.output... etc but integTestAnnotationProcessor += <?> dependencies { integTestAnnotationProcessor "some:processor:4.0" } If you didn't intend to use annotation processing in your tests, i.e. you accide...
I am attempting to use Glide to load an image, but I am encountering an error that prevents me from doing so. To ensure that LibraryGlideModules are not ignored, it is necessary to add an annotationProcessor compile dependency for com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler and implem...
Sample run
BuildScopeServices.createScriptPluginFactory() failed to create ScriptPluginFactory service, Duplicate: Obtaining the First Day of the Month from the Present Date, Bean creation error due to failed lookup method resolution and Class introspection from Cl
使用JDK 9+时,您需要添加JAX-B依赖项。对于Android Studio用户,您需要将其添加到您app内的build.gradle的dependencies {} 参... org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitionsForBeanMethod( org.springframework.context.annotation....