Unable to install “Visual Studio Code”:snap “code” has “install-snap” change in progress 这个提示表示已经在后台下载,别动等待就好。稍后打开全部应用你就能看到了
While installing vs I am getting this ,Error Code 1310: Access is denied The Windows Installer service had a problem accessing the registry or file system of this machine in order to install a package required by Visual Studio. This can happen if Windows Defender or o...
InstallCleanup is a last resort tool meant to be used by customer support when needing to help users with corrupted machines. It is not meant to be a replacement for using the installer to perform an uninstall of Visual Studio. Can you tell me if you are blocked fro...
Unable to uninstall Visual Studio 2015 Ent/Pro/Com with Update 3 Error: The storage control blocks were destroyed Solution: Download KB2999266 fromhttps://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows Install it on the problematic machine Uninstall ...
INSTALLIS[:<VSInstanceIds>] - installs SSIS to specified VS 2017 instances.INSTALLALL[:<VSInstanceIds>] - installs all above to specified VS 2017 instances.INSTALLVSSQL[:<Nickname>] - installs new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 instance....
Visual Studio 的问题:unable to locate visual studio installer 如题,从VS界面tool菜单下进安装修改程序 ,碰到这个问题。不知道为什么突然找不到这个安装程序,非常奇怪。 首先找了一下,早前有人也碰到过,解决办法如下, 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44200259/unable-to-locate-...
Clicking on "Install" for vscode inside Anaconda Navigator throws " ('Connectivity Error', 'Please check your internet connection is working.')" error. I'm behind company proxy and have conda config ssl verify set to false. Visual Studio 2017 installed without python tools. Also ran conda upd...
Visual Studio 的问题:unable to locate visual studio installer 如题,从VS界面tool菜单下进安装修改程序 ,碰到这个问题。不知道为什么突然找不到这个安装程序,非常奇怪。 首先找了一下,早前有人也碰到过,解决办法如下, 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44200259/unable-to-locate-visual-studio-installer ...
I was using my gmail.com private account for my windows 10 and installed Visual Studio 2019 to install C++ desktop development, but failed with a dialogue saying I could not have permission to write to folder "...WPR..."...
If you can’t click on “Repair”, please try to perform the following actions to reinstall the Visual Studio Installer files and reset the installation metadata. See if you have this file on your machine: "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCle...