1. 将下载好的插件放到D:\Microsoft VS Code\bin下 然后shift+右键 输入命令code --install-extension 文件名,安装失败 2. 把插件.visx改为.zip,打开插件找到package.json文件,更改vscode版本号 "engines":{"vscode":"^1.44.2"}, 3.改回.vsix,重新安装,成功...
When I am trying to install any of the extensions in VSCode, it gives me the same error. "Request was blocked due to exceeding usage of resource 'Count' in namespace 'AnonymousId'. For more information on why your request was blocked, see the topic "Rate limits" on the Microsoft Web s...
VS Code離線安裝插件報錯Unable to install extension 'dart-code.flutter' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.51.1'. 遇到這種問題不要慌~~ 1.把插件後綴名改成.zip 2.打開插件,然後找到package.json文件,找到裡邊這個代碼,把版本號改為 "engines":{"vscode":"^1.54.1"}, 改為報錯信息裡的版本...
VS Code離線安裝插件報錯Unable to install extension 'dart-code.flutter' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.51.1'. 遇到這種問題不要慌~~ 1.把插件後綴名改成.zip 2.打開插件,然後找到package.json文件,找到裡邊這個代碼,把版本號改為 "engines": { "vscode": "^1.54.1" }, 1. 2. 3. 改...
I had to set up my Computer again and tried to install the Python Extension in VSCode. When I try to install this extension I get the following error: Unable to install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.54.1'. To install the Python Extension, Ju...
unable to install extension 'ms-toolsai.jupyter'——解决在 VS Code 中调试时查看 Pandas 数据框 一、问题: 在 VS Code 中调试时查看 Pandas 数据框 如何实现:在debug的时候,点击要查看的变量,右击选“view value in data viewer”,即可表格形式查看pandas数据!
Try to reboot your machine and directly open VS Code and install the extension(in case the file is locked by other program/process). Besides, is there any permission limitation on your machine? Are you using any antivirus software/extension/proxy? If so, please try to disable them...
Installing extension 'esbenp.prettier-vscode'... Corrupt ZIP: end of central directory record signature not found Failed Installing Extensions: esbenp.prettier-vscode Both of the two bugs happenrandomly. It means that if we use thesamecommand to install an extension, these bugs may happen or not...
Extensions(Ctrl+Shift+x)中搜索“language”找到中⽂包,点击install后,右下⾓弹出错误提⽰框,显⽰“Unable to open 'Extension: Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code': Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0.”*** 查看 VS Code 版本:Help > Release Notes ⽽搜索到...
extension can be installed Actual behaviour Unable to install extension 'ms-python.python' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.39.2' Steps to reproduce: I downloaded the vsix and manually install it. I got the error above. hairinwind added triage-needed bug labels Jun 4, 2020 Member...