没有找到声卡驱动~可能是你机器的声卡驱动没装,所以不能运行游戏 要不就是声卡太老~该游戏不支持。
现象 godot4.2.1 默认使用vulkan驱动,如果再不支持vulkan驱动的主机上,进入引擎编辑器将报错如下 解决 启动参数添加 –rendering-driver opengl3 即可进入引擎编辑器 此时运行项目仍然会报错无法初始化驱动 在项目设置中配置编辑器运行参数即可
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast ERROR: initialize: Condition ' !fbc ' is true. returned: ERR_UNCONFIGURED At: platform/x11/context_gl_x11.cpp:157. ERROR: initialize: Condition ' !fbc ' is true. returned: ERR_UNCONFIGURED ...
Unable to initialize new 1TB driveJust installed a 1TB Drive but neglected to initialize before installation. Have been getting the flashing folder with ? mark. However, I have an external USB flash drive 8GB with El Capitan installer mounted as external drive. That (magically) has allowed me ...
求助!!!打不开(Unable to initialize Vulkan) 只看楼主收藏回复 hd284111 世代步伐 1 送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-20 21:10回复 hd284111 世代步伐 1 求助求助!? 来自Android客户端2楼2020-04-20 21:20 回复 贴吧用户_04PyDSy 至暗之时 8 翻译出来是这个意思,少了个控件 来自Android客户端3楼2020-...
我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从错误提示来看,无法初始化Vulkan可能是由于没有安装Vulkan驱动程序或者机器上的驱动程序已经损坏。这可能导致了游戏在启动时遇到问题。"Unable to initialize Vulkan (vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties failed.)"这句话明确指出了问题的核心所在。以下是几个可能...
I get this error whenever I try to install Zoom and other related Meeting apps. I have Installed and updated the latest drivers from the Microsoft website but still no changes. Please can you help me fix this issue thanks. This is very important as I am unable to join meet...