nodejs unable to get local issuer certificate 文心快码 在Node.js环境中遇到“unable to get local issuer certificate”错误时,通常表示Node.js无法验证远程服务器SSL证书的可信性。以下是一些可能的解决方案: 临时忽略SSL验证: 这是一个快速但不建议用于生产环境的解决方案。你可以通过设置环境变量来忽略SSL验证...
使用node 执行上面的代码,遇到如下错误消息: error occurred: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate (node:33376) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1497:34) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) at TLS...
使用node 执行上面的代码,遇到如下错误消息: error occurred: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate (node:33376) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1497:34) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) at TLS...
但是当我在我的工作环境中尝试相同的命令时,我在命令提示符下遇到了这个错误 npm ERR! node v6.10.2 npm ERR! npm v3.10.10 npm ERR! code UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY npm ERR! unable to get local issuer certificate npm ERR! npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at: ...
I get an error: Uncaught Error: unable to get local issuer certificate at Error (native) at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1092:38) at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:610:8) at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:440:38) ...
code UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY 。。reason: unable to get local issuer certificate 解决办法 这个是需要证书导致无法连接,临时解决办法是设置npm set strict-ssl=false 在Dockerfile文件里的 RUN npm install 之前添加 RUN npm set strict-ssl=false ...
Please suggest solution to resolve this to npm install couchbase for nodejs prebuild-install WARN install unable to get local issuer certificate E:\Naveen\Framework\UI\UI\node_modules\couchbase>if not defined npm_confi…
stack Error: unable to get local issuer certificate $ node-gyp configure $ rm -rf node_modules && npm i # Happily does all the c/c++ building and so forth If people still come here with this error, this is what solved it for me: ...
Specifically to your error, if it worked before, it is possible that the server certificate has expired. The server should renew it. As a temporary solution, you can turn off PKI validation byrejectUnauthorizedoption. However you should use it together with the pinning approach. In NodeJS, you...
npm install error: unable to get local issuer certificate 使用命令npm config set strict-sslfalse然后再执行install命令