MERGE INTO的作用是将源表内容根据匹配条件对目标表做更新或插入,当目标表匹配到多行满足条件时,GaussDB(DWS)有以下两种行为:业务报错:unable to get a stable set of rows in the source table.随机匹配一行数据,可能会导致实际与预期不符。进行MERGE INTO操作对目标
ORA-30926 错误信息 "unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables" 表示 Oracle 数据库在执行 SQL 操作(如 MERGE INTO 语句)时,无法从源表中获得一组稳定的行。这通常是因为在参与查询的源表之间存在不确定的或重复的行集,导致 Oracle 无法确定一个稳定的更新或合并集。 2. 常见原因 重复数...
执行MERGE INTO将源表内容根据匹配条件对目标表做更新报错unable to get a stable set of rows in the source table。 现有目标表products和源表newproducts,以源表newproducts中product_id为1502为匹配条件,对目标表进行更新报错: CREATETABLEproducts(product_idINTEGER,product_nameVARCHAR2(60),categoryVARCHAR2(60...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: ORA-30926: Unable To Get A Stable Set Of Rows In The Source Tables on merge into sys.mon_mods$
最好的方法是用merge语法: mergeintotab1 using tab2 on( whenmatchedthen updatesettab1.val = tab2.val 同样,如果tab2中有多条对应tab1中一条的情况会出错:ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables ...
【ORACLE】ORA-30926:unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables 无法在源表中获得一组稳定的行 merge tnto table_name table_name里面有重复的
业务报错:unable to get a stable set of rows in the source table 业务报错:unableto get a stable set of rows in the source table 问题现象 执行MERGE INTO将源表内容根据匹配条件对目标表做更新报错unableto get a stable set of rows in the source ...
WeCode-DB isunableto watch for file changes in this large workspace 该警告表明 WeCode-DB 的文件监视程序已经耗尽文件句柄,文件句柄通常由操作系统决定,可通过cat /proc/sys/fs/inot 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → atlas200模组 启动中报错end kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:unable to... ...
Steps to reproduce the problem Have a check point with an apostrophe in the name eg. badlynamed'checkpoint.safetensors Open the extra networks tab, if needed Attempt to edit the metadata of the checkpoint by clicking the red tool icon in the upper right corner of the checkpoints card The ...
merge into panbandiannao_product pa using (select * from (select row_number() over(partition by s.relate_productid order by s.relate_productid) rd, s.relate_productid, sp.pbdnwlms, sp.pbdngps, sp.pbdnnzgy, sp.pbdnwxwk, sp.pbdnly, ...