当你在系统中遇到“unable to find the development tool cc in your path”的错误时,这通常意味着编译器cc(通常是C语言的编译器,比如gcc的一个符号链接)没有在系统的PATH环境变量中正确配置,或者根本没有安装。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认cc是否是需要的开发工具 cc通常是C/C++编程所需的编译器。
"ln","-s","/usr/bin/gcc","/usr/bin/cc"])deffix_cc_error():ifnotcheck_cc():print("ERROR: Unable to find the development tool 'cc' in your path.")choice=input("Do you want to install 'gcc'? (Y/N) "
【摘要】 ERROR: Unable to find the development tool cc in your path; please make sure that you have the package 'gcc' installed. If gcc is installed on your system, then please check that cc is in your PATH... ERROR: Unable to find the development toolccin your path; please make su...
ERROR: Unable to find the development toolccin your path; please make sure that you have the package ‘gcc’ installed. If gcc is installed on your system, then please check thatccis in your PATH. 解决方法 错误:在您的路径中找不到开发工具“cc”;请确保已安装包“gcc”。如果系统上安装了GCC...
简介: 成功解决ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please make sure that you have the 解决问题 NVIDIA Software Installer for Unix/Linux ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please make sure that you have the package 'gcc' installed. ...
ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please make sure that you have the package 'gcc' installed. If gcc is installed on your system, then please check that `cc` is in your PATH. 解决思路 用于Unix/Linux的Nvidia软件安装程序 ...
成功解决ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please make sure that you have the 解决问题 NVIDIA Software Installer for Unix/Linux ERROR: Unable to find the development tool `cc` in your path; please make
Error: the distribution-provided pre-install script failed. Error: Unable to find the development tool 'cc' in your path. Error: Unable to find the development tool 'make' in your path. Error: The kernel module failed to load. Secure boot is enabled on this system. ...
ERROR:Unable to find the development tool`cc`in your path;pleasemakesure that you have thepackage'gcc'installed.If gcc is installed on your system,then please check that`cc`is in your PATH. 解决方法: yum install gcc 3.2 ERROR2: 缺少 kernel-devel ...
如果报错找不到cc和make ERROR: Unable to find the development tool`cc`in your path;please make sure that you have the package'gcc'installed. If gcc is installed on your system,thenplease check that`cc`is in your PATH. ERROR: Unable to find the development tool`make`in your path;please ...