I don't know why/when (at least several months ago) it started, I didn't do anything noticeable. I am unable to install or upgrade any package, no matter the triplet. I tried to reinstall both vcpkg and Visual Studio, but no matter what I try to install, I get the following error...
I recently had to format my computer, so now I have a fresh copy of windows 7 installed. I tried to install Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, but I keep getting an error every time I try to install. The error says unable to locate package source. The install gets hung at Microsoft Web ...
can I delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions now that I've moved to VS2017? Can not find VS_Prerequisites_x64_enu.msi to install VS 2010 Express Can not install visual studio 2019 Can SQL server data tools be installed without Visual Studio can...
1.installOrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targetsnuget package, package console throwsUnable to find package OrchardCore.Rules. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages, nuget.org. 2.Or direct add PackageReference to .csproj, then build: <ItemGroup> <Pack...
安装visual stdio 2017后依然报错:Unable to find vcvarsall.bat,安装visualstdio2017后依然报错:Unabletofindvcvarsall.bat解决办法:更新setuptools原文章:https://blog.csdn.net/wl0909/article/details/79098154
Now referenced class library changed to a private Nuget Package and Nuget restore can not find it. I select the private nuget source but still getting error error NU1101: Unable to find package {name}. No packages exist with this id in source(s): nuget.org ...
Visual Studio 的问题:unable to locate visual studio installer 如题,从VS界面tool菜单下进安装修改程序 ,碰到这个问题。不知道为什么突然找不到这个安装程序,非常奇怪。 首先找了一下,早前有人也碰到过,解决办法如下, 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44200259/unable-to-locate-...
Visual Studio 的问题:unable to locate visual studio installer 如题,从VS界面tool菜单下进安装修改程序 ,碰到这个问题。不知道为什么突然找不到这个安装程序,非常奇怪。 首先找了一下,早前有人也碰到过,解决办法如下, 参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44200259/unable-to-locate-visual-studio-installer ...
报这个错误的原因是python的distutils模块中的msvc9compilerpy并不从环境变量指定的路径中寻找vcvarsallbat而是通过注册表来寻找 完美解决“Unabletofindvcvarsall.bat”错误 错误描述: 在从源代码安装Python模块时遇到此错误。可是我明明从官网下载并安装了Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Package for Python 2.7,且配置了...
i need to create CI pipeline in Azure devops but the pipeline is failing with error as package.son is not able to find. I have attached my code structure. 1 verbose cli ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe’, 1 verbose cli ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js...