Also, when I run Save-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Path "c:\mydir" I get output: PackageManagement\Save-Package : No match was found for the specified search criteria and module name 'PowerShellGet'. Try Get-PSRepository to see all available registered module repositorie...
Trying to Install-Module AzureAD but Get-PSRepository "WARNING: Unable to find module repositories." I am running PSVersion 5.1.16299.431 and have set my proxy using NetSH WinHTTP Set Proxy proxy-server="my.proxy.server" I would like to "Install the preview version of ...
Install-PackageProvider : Unable to find repository with SourceLocation ''. Use Get-PSRepository to see all available repositories. Get-PSRepository PackageManagement\Get-PackageSource : Unable to find module providers (PowerShellGet). Get-PackageProvider ...
PackageManagement\Install-Package : No match was found for the specified search criteria and module name 'Az'. Try Get-PSRepository to see all available registered module repositories. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1772 char:21 + ... $null ...
The error did change from complaining aboutesp-srtoesp-adf-libs. So, I went toconfig/.esphome//idf_components/b0ad5728/.git/modules/components/and removed theesp-rsandesp-adf-libsrepositories, which where in weird states. Now it works on retry. ...
android studio引用module出的错:Unable to resolve dependency for':app@debug/...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
We are getting below error when creating Spark context. Caused by: unable to find LoginModule class: at
的时候,发现报下面的错误 ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute ...
1、先改build.gradle文件 buildscript{repositories{google()maven{url''}jcenter{url''}}dependencies{classpath''// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong/...
// (IP: This is the most puzzling of them all as it suggests it's looking for a repository located on localhost, which is wrong as the system is managed in Satellite, but I couldn't find any configuration file that forces it to look ...