[OHOS ERROR] ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lstdc++ [OHOS ERROR] clang-15: error:...
dpkg: 处理软件包 initramfs-tools (–configure)时出错: 已安装 initramfs-tools 软件包 post-installation 脚本 子进程返回错误状态 1 在处理时有错误发生: initramfs-tools E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 修复方式需要修复/var/lib/dpkg/info用于保存各个软件包的配置文件列表 1,s...
第二步:到官网上下载busybox,解压 wget http://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-2.23.tar.bz2...
After this commit, I get an error ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lstdc++. The PR says No functional change expected so I assume it is a bug. Simply -lstdc++ flag has been added to my project which uses llvm. Thanks in advance, so...
ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lgcc_eh clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) [10/4007] Building CXX object contrib/llvm-project/llvm/lib/MC/CMakeFiles/LLVMMC.dir/MCELFStreamer.cpp.o ...
/usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so: Unable to find library 'libclntsh.so.11.1'.Killed 感觉是缺少了什么lib库文件导致的。可以借用ldd命令进行查看(ldd只是个shell,不是程序。ldd用于判断某个可执行的 binary 档案含有什么动态函式库) essdb5_oracle[/home/oracle]$cd /orabak01/ogg ...
Joined: 2020-07-18 17:25 unable to find library ltspicedevices.olb i am looking for model LT_RSLATCH which is suposedly located in library ltspicedevices.olb. Unable to find it. Where can i down load this library? thanks, Log in to post comments #...
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' } 也就是在build.gradle中加入上面的配置就行了。 解决办法: 1、看看目录D:\Android\sdk\platforms\android-23\optional 下有没有org.apache.http.legacy.jar 和 optional.json 2、如果没有optional.json,则自己新建一个这样的文件,然后加入如下内容: ...
在网上下载一个jvm.dll文件,放在\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012b\sys\java\jre\win32\jre\bin\client目录下面就OK了。下载地址:http://www.jb51.net/dll/jvm.dll.html