docker desktop安装完成之后运行 image.png 提示:Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally image.png 因为docker服务器在国外,需要我们为docker设置国内阿里云的镜像加速器: 设置如下: image.png image.png 配置如下: { "builder": { "gc": { "defaultKeepStorage...
问题一:Unable to find image ‘image-name:tag’ locally这个错误通常意味着 Docker 无法在本地找到指定的镜像。可能的原因包括: 镜像名称或标签拼写错误。请检查镜像名称和标签是否正确,并确保大小写正确。 镜像尚未下载。你可以使用 docker pull image-name:tag 命令来手动下载镜像。 镜像已被删除或未被保存。如果...
针对你遇到的问题“windows unable to find image 'hello-world' locally”,我将按照你提供的提示进行分点回答: 确认Docker是否已经正确安装并运行: 要确认Docker是否已正确安装并运行,你可以在Windows的命令提示符(CMD)或PowerShell中输入以下命令来检查Docker的版本: bash docker --version 如果Docker已正确安装,...
2、重启docker之后就可以了 复制//重启docker systemctl restart docker //查看状态 systemctl status docker 3、运行docker run hello-world 复制docker run hello-world 4、过程结果:
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon (1)修改 sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json (2)添加 {"registry-mirrors": [""] } 并保存 (3)重启 systemctl restart docker...
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally docker: Error response from daemon,(1)修改sudovim/etc/docker/daemon.json(2)添加{"registry-mirrors":[""]}并保存(3)重启systemctlrestartdockersudo
docker Unable to find image ‘mysql:latest’ locally docker — Unable to find image ‘mysql:latest’ locally 我的原因是自己电脑 的虚拟关机导致的 方法: 使用docker restart mysql docker restart 镜像名
我在CentOS7中安装了docker之后,然后运行docker run hello-world,拉取docker的hello-world测试镜像,结果在终端中提示:Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally! 意思是docker在本地没有找到hello-world镜像,也没有从docker仓库中拉取到镜像。
Docker Community Forums Docker unable to find image locally Docker Desktop aoliullah (Aoliullah) March 16, 2017, 8:38pm 1 The Docker for Windows community forum is place where users can meet and discuss Docker for Windows and related technologies. If you encounter problems with Docker for ...
运行docker run hello-world 报错 Unable to find image ‘hello-world:latest‘ locally docker: Error response from daemon 原文链接: 报错提示如下: 解决办法: 1、执行以下命令 vim/etc/docker/daemon.json...