ORA-01691 unable to extend lob segment string.string by string in tablespace string Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for LOB segment in tablespace. Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated. 下面是解决方法 出现该问题的原因是数据...
ORA-01691 错误信息表明:“unable to extend lob segment [segment_name] by [number] in tablespace [tablespace_name]”。在你提供的信息中,错误信息为:“unable to extend lob segment siexam.sys_lob0000103044c00008$$ by [未知数量]”。这通常意味着在尝试扩展某个LOB(Large Object,大对象)段时,Oracle数...
针对第二种情况,给表空间增加新的数据文件: ALTER TABLESPACE XXX ADD DATAFILE '数据文件路径' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED; 实例 alter tablespace IFAMEX_BLOB online alter tablespace IFAMEX_BLOB rename datafile 'C:/DATA/HJCBFW01/BLOB01.DBF' to 'D:/DATA/HJCBFW01/BLOB01.DB...
alter database datafile'数据文件路径'autoextend on next100m maxsize4000M;针对第二种情况,给表空间增加新的数据文件:ALTERTABLESPACEXXXADDDATAFILE'数据文件路径'SIZE100MAUTOEXTENDONNEXT1MMAXSIZEUNLIMITED;实例 alter tablespaceIFAMEX_BLOBonline alter tablespaceIFAMEX_BLOBrename datafile'C:/DATA/HJCBFW01/BLOB01...
Oracle表空间不足;查询表空间使用率(unable to extend lob segment SYS_LOB0000076749C00006$$ by 8192 in tablespace USERS)处理审计表(system表空间过大) 查询表空间使用率 SELECTa.tablespace_name "表空间名", total "表空间大小", free "表空间剩余大小",...
oracle扩容数据库表空间unable to extend lob segment 问题: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment SJJH.SYS_LOB0000081598C00004$$ by 8192 in tablespace SJJH 描述:现场突然反馈回来说系统运行好好的出故障了,没有日志,也不报错,就是进不了系统。搜集最近 的一次日志发现,有ora-01691的错误问题。 查看...
Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later: ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment AUDSYS.SYS_LOB*** in tablespace SYSAUX
ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment %s.%s by %s in tablespace %s Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for LOB segment in the tablespace indicated. Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated. ...
[translate] aAre you busy now 现在是您繁忙[translate] aYes, I'm cooking 是,我烹调[translate] aORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment NEANDS3.SYS_LOB0000075152C00020$$ by 8192 in tablespace NEANDS 开始[translate]
ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment CMS.SYS_LOB0000071105C00005$$ by 8192 in tablespace CMS60 1. 解决方法可以对表空间CMS60增加数据文件来进行存储,并设置无限制。 使用命令: alter tablespace CMS60 add datafile '/u01/apps/oracle/oradata/orcl/cms60_hbk.dbf' size 10240m autoextend on next ...