Update: I created a UDF in order to finish this sheet, but I'd still like to know what's wrong with my formula. It would be nice to not have to enable macros for the sheet to function. Sample Data **Tables of different employee groupings** *Table: Employee* Employees --- Adair A...
I am using Excel 2007 as my development platform but the target server uses Excel 2003. After experiencing a lot of headaches with the Excel 12 interop trying to be loaded on the target server even though I expressly selected Excel 11 during development, I have resorted to usingla...
At this time, I'd suggest reaching out to Microsoft Support so they can guide you on how to enable the Macros. If you need more resources in managing your reports, you can pin these links: Fix export to Excel issues in QuickBooks Desktop. ...
Use macros and Scheduled Tasks to start the program Use named printers to enable printer destination selection Word template option missing in Report destination window when printing Workflow 2.0 tables Workflow Manager in Microsoft Dynamics GP You cannot stop t...
Please check your maco setting might be disabled, kindly go to FILE > PREFERENCE > MACRO enable macro and it should work fine
EnableMultiplePageItems = True Workbooks.Add Windows("Book1.xlsx").Activate Range("A4:B4").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Range("A4:B33").Select Selection.Copy Windows("Book1").Activate Range("C3").Select Windows("custumer master till 23 dec.xlsx").A...
Embedded macros are blocked from running Error when saving a file Error when sending commands in Excel Error when you copy formulas over large area Error when you import data to a workbook Excel cannot complete this task Excel doesn't shut down after calling Quit method Excel incorrectly assumes...
I have the need to use views, so using this instead of SQL Compact All works fine, as in I can run the app from VS, present the screen and grab all the data needed from the file in the application directory. However, on publish I get the following exceptions. On installing via Nu...
https://xxx.xxxx.xxx.com/\_trust/redirects to trust page but we see the ADFS token received successfully Server Error in '/' Application. The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults...
If I go on Workflow settings -> Create a workflow in Nintex workflow and for example I choose Blank template (just for test) -> insert an action -> save ... after I save the workflow and try to publish, I am receiving the following error : soap:ServerServer was unable to process ...