Hello, I was trying to run this code script in Matlab Function in Simulink, however I encountered the Model error and it showed that error in the figure and didn't tell me where it caused. After I preliminary debugging , I think the problems will be in the parts ...
matlab_pysdk.runtime.MatlabRuntimeError: An error occurred when evaluating the result from a function. Details: Unable to load bundle binary C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\bin\win64\builtins\matlab_toolbox_general_builtins\mwwkspint rospect_builtini...
Open in MATLAB Online @Sairamade a mistake in the definition of the function to be integrated. He/she used H=@(t,x)[-beta11+x(1)*x(3)-beta12*x(1)*x(4); ... instead of H=@(t,x)[-beta11*x(1)*x(3)-beta12*x(1)*x(4); ...
however i keep reciveing the error message "The following error occurred converting from sym to double: Unable to convert expression into double array. Error in untitled (line 31)A(n)=q.(A(n)+A(n+4))/(a-n^2);" Im not sure how to solve thi...
Unable to create mex function 'XX_Simulinkfunction_sfun.mexw64' required for simulation. example.c #include "example.h" double busactive(double u1, double u2) { double retval; retval = u1 + u2; return (retval); } example.h #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE ...
Now, I have friends who have the same version of matlab as me and 2019b and I copy and paste send them the code and it runs fine on their end. I ended up reinstalling matlab 2019b with all the student toolboxes but that didn't help. Anyone know how to fix this? I had purchase...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: dsolve() is returning [] because it cannot find solutions. When it returns [], that is something that cannot be created as a function using the syntax you have used, so an error message is generated. You should dsolve() with a single output, test to see...
function slipflow format long g %Define all parameters % Boundary layer thickness & stepsize etaMin = 0; etaMax1 = 15; etaMax2 = 15; %15, 10 stepsize1 = etaMax1; stepsize2 = etaMax2; % Input for the parameters A=1; %velocity slip ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 % Define the objective function to maximize economic impact functioneconomic_impact = PowerPlantCode2(P) functionfmincon % Define the optimization problem options = optimset('fmincon'); options.Display ='iter';
I have found several different sttdef.h files in the MATLAB program files and was not sure which to add or where to add it. Also, in the /I paths I did not have the path that is not underlined, the stateflow path. Did you have to add that as well?...