一、问题描述 使用git提交代码的时候,出现了Unable to create '.git/index.lock' File exists 问题,如下所示: Unable to create'D:/XXX/.git/index.lock': File exists. Another git process seems to be runninginthisrepository, e.g. an editor openedby'git commit'. Please make sure all processes a...
解决方案:进入对应项目的.git目录,删掉 index.lock 文件 index.lock 文件的作用是防止多个进程同时修改索引(index),从而避免数据损坏。相当于一个锁定的标志文件,正常情况下git操作会自动处理index.lock文件
一、问题描述 使用git commit 命令提交代码,遇到下面的错误: $ git commit -m 'Test' fatal: Unable to create 'D:/MyProject/.git/index.lock': File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other ...
fatal: Unable to create ‘/msg/.git/index.lock’: File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is running and remove the file manually to continue. 出现这种情况可以用以下解决...
Unable to create .git/index.lock File exists 简介 fatal: Unable to create .git/index.lock': File exists.方法/步骤 1 git commit -aGetting fatal: Unable to create '/Users/justin/Sites/myapp/.git/index.lock': File exists.If no other git process is currently running, this ...
提交新文件到 Git 时,抛出 Unable to create '.git/index.lock' File exists 问题: 1 分析 Git 执行操作时会自动生成 index.lock 文件,操作结束后会自动删除。这样做的目的是避免同时操作同一个文件夹。 某些Git 操作会出现异常,比如操作被强制关闭,那么这个文件就不会被删除。
问题描述:今天在切换分支的时候,突然发现切换不了,并且报了如下错误提示: image.png 造成这个问题的具体原因并不清楚。说一下两种解决方案吧: (1)在 .git 同级目录中找到 index.lock ,删除就可以了。 (2)在 .git 同级目录执行 rm -f .git/index.lock 将文件删除就可以了。
git使⽤问题Unabletocreate...gitindex.lock:Fileexists. git 使⽤问题 今天使⽤git是发现⽆法切换分⽀,报错如下:git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false checkout feature/s_mybills fatal: Unable to create 'E:/'''/.git/index.lock': File exists.Another git process ...
1 若在window下远程打开操作窗口(不是console),进入.git目录删除index.lock文件,删除后再commit会自动再次生成index.lock。无法提交。 2 使用putty console下操作,进入.git目录执行 rm -f index.lock 删除index.lock 虽然能删除,但是也是每次都会再生成。无法提交 ...
Git is unable to create .git/index.lock file because it already exists. Steps to reproduce using files that are readily available: Goto https://wordpress.org/download/ and download WordPress ZIP archive. Extract to a directory. Open Cmde...