unable to create new database connection file,permission is denied。 这个问题很诡异,因为创建企业级地理数据库成功,但是连接SDE出现问题,细致的看一下报错信息,发现是没有权限创建连接数据库的文件,也就是说地理数据库并没有问题。 一般情况下以ArcGIS10.2 for Desktop为例,默认的ArcSDE连接文件(*.sde)默认存储...
4、阅读线上hive-site.xml,查找关键字:hdfs://emr-cluster/warehouse。 注:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir这个参数是负责存放hive元数据的目录位置
I was unable to login to Ubuntu (virtual machine) after I rebooted the host Windows machine from sleep so had to shutdown the Oracle VM. On start I am unable to start arangodb FATAL unable to create database directory 'start': Failed to create directory [start] Permission denied this is...
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant - Version and later: Unable to Create Database using Different Compatible Parameter After Installing the Software
Re: Unable to create database Steven Sheffey June 26, 2009 01:20AM Re: Unable to create database Guelphdad Lake June 26, 2009 09:51PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is...
看一下/etc/oratab的属主是不是和oracle一样。 多半是没有权限。
Kettle 异常退出以后,再重新启动时,发现无法正常启动,查询日志以后,发现错误: Unable to create the database cache 这个时候,只要找到系统用户目录下的 .kettle 目录:如:C:\Users\Administrator.kettle删除 db.cache*文件即可,再重新启动Kettle,便可以正常使用
Use filepath instead of path to create SQLite3 database file #28374 Merged Contributor wxiaoguang commented Dec 6, 2023 The fix should be this: Fix incorrect directory path handling for SQLite3 database file #28374 👍 2 🎉 1 jolheiser closed this as completed in #28374 Dec 6, 202...
This api works on my local machine and heroku, the only thing I changed was that I installed cors and changed the path to the db file. I ran the db.createAll() command from this website, then I also installed cors using the bash console on this site. Were there some other commands...
3、kettle定时任务脚本日志报错为,Unable to create the database cache 二、原因分析 我们正常安装好...