Unable to create application 异常 这个错误是空指针,但你怎么去找就是找不到为什么会空指针 这时,你要去检查Application 中是否有重写的方法例如这个 @OverrideprotectedvoidattachBaseContext(Context base) {//super.attachBaseContext(base);MultiDex.install(this); } 看到上面的注释了一行吗? 这就是问题所在,如...
针对弹出uanble to creatr application!的解决办法!下载:http://sg.update.kingsoft.com/sg/pack01.lkfp 覆盖到游戏目录下。再运营游戏就能搞定了。
WIN8系统,下载的安装版,开始后弹出 Unable to create application window 窗口。无法进入游戏。请问到底...
Unable to create new web application When I try to create a new web application, it just shows message as 'This should'nt take too long'.. Then, after a while it will show message as Request Timed Out. Sometimes it will show 'this page could not be found' web page. Sometimes it wi...
Hey there, I'm experiencing a crash with following stack trace: Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.myapp.MyApplication: java.lang.IllegalStateException: the DownloadMgrInitialParams is only can ...
Caused by javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unable to create application data at com.android.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_new(NativeCrypto.java) at com.android.org.conscrypt.SslWrapper.newInstance(SslWrapper.java:58) at com.android.org.consc...
Unity在 Android 编译打包应用时常见报错:Unable to sign the application; please provide passwords!以下是网上整理的一些解决方法! 原因分析: 1、可能是工程在 Publishing Settings 添加了 Keystore 设置,然后你的工程中没有对应 Keystore; 2、或者在 Publishing Settings 添加了 Keystore 设置 ,然后无意中 Keystor...
Unable to create a standalone application.. Learn more about standalone application, matlab gui, google drive MATLAB Compiler
springboot集成kingbase报错 unable to create required 一 说明 实际工作中其实很少会用到jdbcTemplate去操作数据库,因为其使用方式不是很灵活,sql的拼接能力不强;实际上jdbcTemplate是属于spring自带的数据层模板,在spring中可以说是比较失败的一个案例,原因是当代流行mybatis当做持久层访问数据库,其优越的sql拼接能力、...
We were testing our app by changing the date on the device when this crash happened. I'm not sure if the crash is related to the date change or not. Here is the crash log: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unable to create application data at com.android.org.con...