针对你遇到的错误 [xicom 50-38] xicom: unable to connect to debug core(s) on the target device,以下是一些详细的解决步骤,按照这些步骤操作通常可以解决连接问题: 检查连接线: 确保与目标设备的连接线(如JTAG线)是完好的,没有损坏或接触不良。 确认连接线已正确连接到目标板和调试设备(如计算机)。 确认...
For my nucleof446ze board, i simply pressed the reset button when the OpenOcd terminal was trying to find the target, when i have connected to the target, i flashed the microcontroller with a default executable and the problem was solved. For nucleof091rc, the problem was s...
I am presently using XDS510LC emulator, EVM with TMS320f2812 dsp & CCS Version: , it is a code limited free version which I downloaded from the TI account. I have been testing sample programs for a while and now suddenly I am not able to ...
I’m followingthisSysprogs tutorial. I get to the point of performing my first build of the program (which builds successfully) and then try to put a break-point in the code and start the debugger when I get the VisualGDB dialog error:“init mode failed (unable to connect to the target)...
Program and Debug --> Open hardware manager--> Open Target --> Open new target (先关掉之前打开的hardware) 可以选750khz,比800k低。实测确认可行,而且明显刷新波形界面的速度慢下来了,这是肯定的。 2、把debug hub的频率升上去。 在setup debug中产生的ILA相关的XDC约束文件最后一段,把 connect_debug_...
I have now reached a point where the device appears correctly in the device manager. However I am now getting a whole new error. When I try to start remote debugging I get init mode failed (unable to connect to the target) When I click ‘view gdb stub log’ I get the attched log ...
I am unable to connect to my target device using a DLC10 using Vivado 2018.2.2 (64 bit) on my local Windows 7 PC. The target is an Artix-7 XC7A50T FGG484.Windows Device Manager does see the DLC10 as a "Programming cables" | "
Platform: Platformio Processor: STM32L082 Upload protocol: stlink Uploader: Original ST-Linkv2 (5 wires connected) Problem: Not able to connect and upload bin file to stm32 when using platformio. -- When using STM32CubeProgrammer the con...
Use another device to connect to the target Wi-Fi hotspot and check whether the network is normal. Check whether the MAC address trustlist of the wireless router is enabled. If yes, add the MAC address of the wireless network adapter of the endpoint to the trustlist. Check whether the MAC...
学长从xilinx官网上果然找到了userguide,上面用的开发环境是ISE 14.1 suite 的PlanAhead工具,演示用的板子是Xilinx ZYNQ-7000 zc702 rev c ,本以为这样按部就班,完全按照UG的说明来就可以顺利通过,可是最后仍是出现Unable to connect to ps7_cortexa9错误。我们猜测是不是UG上的板子版本号、PlanAhead版本号与本机...