After the newest update I keep getting 'VAC was unable to verify your game session' - I've verified game files until it said all files verified, and still says unable to verify when trying to connect to a match. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it still fails. ...
According to various reports from users, when they are trying to do matchmaking in the Counter-Strike 2 game, the Matchmaking failed dialog appears with an
的不需要认证邮箱,毕竟楼主免费帮人家注册一大堆PTC账号) 1359 lol欧服吧 ExcaLibur丶Bug 老哥哥们,求助啊,最近一直unable to connect to the authentication service怎么解决,合租的朋友就能玩 分享264 proxmox吧 zzk0107123 求教,pve安装 提示unable to create date各位大佬,请教pve7.4安装提示unable to create date...