最近在做开发的时候遇到一个问题:公网上的一个项目不允许直接连接数据库,于是就自己在内网上建了一个WebService,供公网上的项目调用,可是在调用WebService上传文件时,总是报错:Unable to connect to the remote server 根据以往经验,考虑到可能是代理问题或服务引用地址问题,于是设置了代理也重新添加了服务引用,可是改...
Hi folks, I have issue with my webservice. I get this error "Unable to connect to remote server" whenever i call the webservice. I have LDAP server config in web.config file. I pinged the server, it also ping well. What else would be problem? Please suggest me a solution. Thanks,...
Failed to connect to remote server with WebClient.DownloadString () method Failed to encrypt the section 'connectionStrings' using provider 'RsaProtecedConfigurationProvider' error message from the provider: Object already exisits Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT...
WCF - Unable to connect to remote server I created a WCF service and working properly. The problem is when you want to use from a windows client application forms. I Have this code: private void ClientApplication_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BlogServiceClient proxy = new BlogServiceCl...
Unable to connect to the remote server Error: There was no endpoint listening at <Custom Service Address> that could not accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, ...
lr11录制时报“Request Connection: Remote Server @ (Service=?) NOT PROXIED! )”解决方法 2014-11-28 11:23 −在录制脚本的时候出现如下现象: 解决方法: LoadRunner录制脚本时出现:Unable to connect to remote server),有事件没有脚本的问题 1.首先要查看IE浏览... ...
Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL 2019-12-20 15:32 −今天买了的百度BCC云服务器,兴冲冲的就去服务器上装IIS,还有MySQL,IIS很顺利就装上了,但是在装MySQL(版本是8.0.1)的时候,提示我要先装.Net Framework 4.5.2,可能是MySQL的版本过高,无奈只好去下载.Net Framework 4.5.2,下载地址:http...
Hello,I am writing to report an issue that I am currently experiencing with my EMS setup. Specifically, I am unable to connect to one of two EMS servers, and...
The only thing that is different here from my other websites is that I am using an SSL connection to the SMTP server. All of my other websites connect to the SMTP server without SSL. Contributor jeremy-farrance commented Oct 9, 2023 • edited Are you able to test your source server...