When I execute the following code, I cannot connect. But other models are connectable, what causes this? OSError: We couldn't connect to 'https://huggingface.co' to load this file, couldn't find it in the cached files and it looks like Salesforce/blip2-opt-2.7b is not the path to...
针对你遇到的问题 fatal: unable to access 'https://huggingface.co/datasets/voice-is-cool/voxtube/': failed to connect to huggingface.co port 443 after 21086 ms: couldn't connect to server,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析: 检查网络连接是否正常: 确保你的设备已连接到互联网。可以尝试访问其他...
git config --global http.proxy 查询到当前设置了代理,所以我取消这个设置:git config --global --...
· 出现了HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘huggingface.co‘, port=443)错误的解决方法 · git推送时报错:fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxx/xxx.git/': Failed to connect to port 31181 after 2063 ms: Connection refused · Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 2103...
首先使用 git lfs install 安装依赖然后使用如下命令下载训练素材git clone https://huggingface.co/THUDM...
I downloaded the vocab, config and pytorch-model files from the hug website, stored them in a new hub folder in mmdetection and added them to the configs/glip/glip_atss_swin-t_fpn_dyhead_16xb2_ms-2x_funtune Add the following to the _coco...