当遇到“hadoopexception: unable to connect to hive thrift server instance”错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查Hive Thrift服务是否正在运行: 确认Hive Thrift服务器是否已启动。可以使用如下命令检查服务状态(具体命令可能因系统或安装方式而异): bash ps -ef | grep hive-thriftserver 如果服务未运行...
Solved Go to solution Unable to connect to HIVE from CLI though the hiveserver2 is up and running Labels: Apache Hive mmk Explorer Created 05-09-2022 03:03 AM [root@b7-40 ~]# hiveSLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.SLF4J: Found ...
Unable to connect to Hive server2 remotely from a local machine using Java Labels: Apache Hive achu_thambi Contributor Created 05-08-2017 10:55 AM JDBC driver class listed in my Hive configuration is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.But all the documentation saying that we have t...
Were you able to connect to your Hiveserver2 database using another tool using the same connection details used in your screenshot? If you are able to connect in another tool, I recommend opening a case with Tableau Technical Support to identify what is keeping Tableau Des...
1. 检查Hive配置 首先,我们需要检查Hive的配置文件(hive-site.xml)是否正确配置。该文件定义了Hive的各种属性和参数。确保以下属性被正确配置: <property><name>javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL</name><value>jdbc:mysql://localhost/metastore?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true</value><description>JDBC connect string ...
It is suggested to create a support ticket to get further help, if you are a pro user. 2. Here is a post about connection error with Impala connector. Maybe helpful. 3. And You may try to use ODBC connector to connect to your data source. Reference: Microsoft BI access Hive Tables...
A connection to a data source will required the Java run time environment (JRE) to load a JDBC driver. The JRE will search for driver classes in the <cognos_installation>/drivers directory.When a connection to Apache Hive us...
Query engine Spark - 3.1 Iceberg - 1.3.1 Question I am using HiveCatalog to create Iceberg tables with Spark as the execution engine. Everytime I try to run hiveCatalog.createTable command it gives me an exception. This is my SparkSessio...
Unable to connect to the database. Reason=java.net.SockettimeoutException: Read timed out. SQLState=08S01. ErrorCode=0. Connection Name = Hive. DatabaseType=com.informatica.adapter.Hive.HiveConnectInfo. Solution To resolve this issue, set DINFA_REL_ADAPTER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=300 at Developerco...
I am trying to connect Jasperreports to HDP Sanbox and access a table(nyse_stocks) on the default database of Hive. I am able to establish the connection but when I try access the tables/objects within the ‘default’ and other databases, it shows ‘Cannot get database meta info’ .....