找到与您的EC2实例所在子网关联的网络ACL,点击其名称。 检查入站和出站规则,确保它们允许TCP端口22的流量。 核实EC2实例是否分配了公有IP地址: EC2 Instance Connect需要实例具有公有IP地址才能连接。 在EC2控制台中,选择您的实例。 在实例详情页面,检查“公有IPv4地址”字段,确保它有一个有效的IP地址。 如果没有...
If you’re unable to connect via SSH to your EC2 instance, which of the following should you check and possibly correct to restore connectivity? ()A.djust Security Group to permit egress traffic over TCP port 443 from your IP.B.Configure the IAM role t
I have used the AWS Passbolt AMI Community to install passbolt in EC2. Followed the instructions here: Passbolt Help | Using Passbolt CE AWS AMI Key Pair Created correctly and instance spun up ok I am however unable to connect to configure HTTPS using: EC2 Instance Connect or using an SSH ...
An error occourred "Unable to connect to Jenkens" when installing Jenkins on AWS 之前申请了AWS的免费套餐,但是一直没有实际的使用起来,这次有一个小需求,要不断的Post一个API, 所以就准备在EC2 instance 上装一个Jenkins, 但是不幸的是,出现了问题。CSND和stackoverflow找遍了,没有适合的解决方案,但是最终还...
Hi Sir, My Microsoft Remote Desktop worked fine before, but it kept showing an error (Error Code 0x108) when I tried to connect the EC2 Windows instance yesterday. I've tried to reboot my EC2 instance, it's able to connect windows instance shortly, but
Update yum on my AL1 or AL2 EC2 instance without internet accessmdeshmukh 2023 年3 月 16 日 10:19 3 i am not running it on aws , while building on CCI i need to spin docker with amazonlinux for testing and yum update was working but suddenly started getting mentioned errorr...
some of our users after the upgrade from Windows 10 1906 to 2004, are unable to connect to a RDS Farm (2012R2, a number of sessions host, 2 broker and 2 gateway). When the user try to use the rdp file for the connection, the remote desktop client asks for the credential then it ...
So, I guess I need guidance on how to test this API call from a non-EC2 instance like an Amazon Workspace. Is it even possible, or is it ade factodrawback of doing things this way that you can only test it via some sort of integration test in a development environment EC2 instance?
When I connect using the Wireguard client for Windows, I can access all internal web pages and servers (using putty, for instance). The tunnel itself is, therefore, working properly on Windows. However, when I try to establish a connection using NoMachine with the server’s internal IP, it...
Hi, I followed the instruction kubectl port-forward --namespace bitnami-kafka svc/bnm-kafka 9092:9092 & echo "Kafka Broker Endpoint:" , but unable to connect from my local client with this address. A sample python code loo...