Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management - Version 18.8 and later: Multiple Users Encountering Error 'Unable to connect to the database' at P6 Profession
If you are getting the messageUnable to connect to the database, would you like to configure the database connection now?while attempting to connect on a standalone installation of Primavera P6 Professional, then the following may be helpful. Reason When using a standalone copy of Primavera P6...
Primavera P6 Professional Project Management - Version 6.2.1 and later: Error: "Unabled to parse database url jdbc:oracle:thin" When Importing Microsoft Project XML
Error opening connection to db with connection string: jdbc:sqlserver://<MachineName>:<Port>;database=<DatabaseName>; and properties {user=<PublicUser>, v$session.process=<###>, v$session.program=<ProgramName>}PVContextListener: Error during P6 initialization: org.springframework.beans.factory...