Hello, I am an absolute beginner trying to start a simple project using Blazor and am trying to connect it to my SQL database but am getting this error: A connection to the server 'xxxxxxx' could not be established. This might indicate an issue…
Solved: Hi, Just downloaded and installed Desktop PowerBI today. After registering with PowerBI and starting the app, i tried to connect to an azure
Master Database Connection: When configuring the Linked Service to point to the master database in Azure Synapse, the connection is successful. What Doesn't Work: Synapse Linked Service: When attempting to connect to the 2998 database through the Linked Service, I receive...
Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse IP firewall rules You likely have already set-up communication to the SQL instance from on-premise but the Web App instance likely needs a firewall setting added to be able to connect. If you have a VNET in place, then there are additional...
Cannot connect to <Azure SQL Name>.database.windows.net. === Failed to authenticate the user NT Authority\Anonymous Logon in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated). Error code 0xCAA9002C; state 10 Failed to parse XML blob. Reason: XML ...
Unable to connect to database using localhost on WSL2, only ip. Ubuntu 22.04, Docker version 23.0.1 Im running the latest 2022 image with: docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password" -p 1433:1433 -d mcr.mic...
Unable to connect azure sql db from power bi report server 09-22-2023 08:54 AM Hi Team, I appricate you all! Unable to connect azure sql db from power bi report server. Labels: On Premises Power BI Report Server Issue Message 1 of 2 106 Views 0 Reply All ...
[severity:I’m unable to use this version] [regression] [worked-in:Worked before 17.x] I am using VS2022 version 17.7.4 and am unable to connect to an Azure DevOps Services (cloud) instance using team explorer, manage connections. I can connect to the site using a brow...
Tools and clients that connect to Azure DevOps Please don’t forget to delete or scrub all the personal/sensitive information (username/password/token etc.). When you share the information with us, please set it to Microsoft Only or Private to customer (includes Microsoft), ...
Unable to connect to Azure Table Storage , on dialog prompt to enter URL or Account name , displays error " Account name must be .. and numbers" The account name has hyphens (-) between words, The power BI desktop client does not support this