If this does not resolve the issue, please provide additional details as to what you're attempting to do when you're getting the error, or where setup is failing. We'll be happy to help out! Cheers! Reply of 1 Brand new Mac Mini and unable to connect to Apple ID server.Welcome ...
melai210Author User level:Level 1 4 points My Apple ID says "Unable to connect to the server" Why when I go to my Apple id suggestion I can’t connect to the server [Re-Titled by Moderator] Posted on Jul 3, 2024 10:57 AM Reply...
I am able to locate myself however none of the other 5 members of my family. After opening Find My app I am presented with a dialogue box saying “Find My Unavailable - Unable to connect to the server. Please try again later.” I have restarted, turned on and off Find My…every...
I am unable to connect to Game Center on my iPhone running iOS 14 Beta 1, 2, or 3. It was working fine on iOS 13. It says "Unknown" and there is not a way to sign out or sign in to just Game Center. I have tried logging out of my App Store account and iCloud account ...
I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but when i reinstalled sideserver on my iPhone i recieved this wornig message: 'Installing AltStore with Multiple AltServers Not Supported Please use the same AltServer you previously used with this Apple ID, or else apps installed with other...
Jan 2 01:52:17 Darraghs-MacBook-Pro spindump[163]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102) Jan 2 01:52:17 Darraghs-MacBook-Pro spindump[163]: Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to Window Server before login. Jan 2 01:52...
I'm trying to connect to a Wifi access point with the new AccessorySetupKit framework. At first i thought that ASK would establish the connection to the access point but then it was mentioned in the session that I need to do that myself withNEHotspotConfigurationManager. ...
Hi, My hotmail account won't connect anymore to my apple mail on my MAC. Believe this is a hotmail issue and not an apple issue. I have tried to...
Id` and `redirectUri` arguments to the values you entered in the Apple Developer portal during the setupclientId:'asdf.service.applesignin', redirectUri:// For web your redirect URI needs to be the host of the "current page",// while for Android you will be using the API server that...
With fast ssid change disabled, the ipad user will attempt to connect to wlan 'apple2'. It will fail to associate to ‘apple2’ and revert to ‘apple1’. (jk-2504-116) >debug client 1c:e6:2b:cd:da:9d (jk-2504-116) >*apfMsConnTask_7: Jan 30 ...