I have been getting “unable to connect to ea server” messages for about a week now. I had my wifi technician come and check and said everything was working perfect. I’ve done all the ea help steps and still can’t connect to servers. I’ve even stayed on the phone for 2 hours...
if tried evrything to fix this error but nothing seems to work if had this error for 3 days now and have had help from multipele people and know one
2回复贴,共1页 <返回apex英雄吧Unable to connect to EA server 只看楼主收藏回复 dnisks 蓝甲战士 6 Unable to connect to EA servers怎么破各位大神 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-07-10 22:06回复 青青草原qwq 专注机枪 11 10 来自Android客户端2楼2019-07-10 22:09 收起回复 扫...
有没有大佬救救我,每..有没有大佬救救我,每次玩得好好的,突然间卡主,然后画面直接跳到选服务器的界面,说是 连接服务器超时(代码net)ea.com/unable-to-connect 我用的是uu加速器,宽度是联通千兆
Another day and another set of repairs on “ea.com unable to connect,” which is shrouding EA and Origin players. Advertisement Although EA released Apex Legends on Steam to lower the loading on servers, the servers tend to get overloaded pretty often, causing the unable to connect issue. ...
五、未能连接到EA服务器。请检查网络连接后再试。请访问ea.com/unable-to-connect了解详情。(1)检查游戏是否更新到最新版本。(2)域名能否正确解析:R5-pc.s3.amazonaws.com六、客户端未运行反作弊系统或反作弊验证失败蜀ICP备07504248号 ICP证编号:川B2-20100137 京公网安备110105002121 迅游是什么? | 迅游资费 |...
Another reason why you may be unable to connect to EA servers is if your account is already being used on another device. To avoid conflicts, try logging out of your account on other devices and see if that helps. This video cannot be played because of a technical error.(Error Code: 10...
If you play Apex Legends on PS4, you may sometimes see an error saying “Unable to Connect to EA Servers”. This frustrating error prevents you from playing the game online. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain what causes PS4 Apex Legends Unable To Connect error, how to diagnose ...
Apex Legends Servers Down You may get a message at the home screen, where is simply says, “Unable to connect to EA Servers.” If you are able to get into the lobby and try to ready up, it will not get you into the match and you will keep seeing the “Matchmaking…” and “Sta...