Tableau Desktop & Web Authoring Upvote Answer Share 1 answer 106 views Etsuro Tabata (Member) 2 months ago Hi This may be helpful ↓. UpvoteReply Log In to AnswerAsk a Question Trendi...
For context, I just updated to Tableau Desktop version 2021.4.2 and tried to access some of the dashboards I worked on prior to updating, but when I sought to open it, I received this error. The dashboards we use...
No code has been posted, which could be because the Ajax request is triggered by a button submission without the default action being prevented. Therefore, the Ajax request is sent, but the browser has already requested the next page by the time the data is returned, resulting in no data b...
It connects from Oracle to Tableau 2019.2 but once I create a "End Date" calculated field and try to refresh the extract then I get the error. I noticed when I'm in "Sheet1" and try a refresh ("Data > Refresh all Extracts") then I do...
If I click a cell in the Excel workbook, the export process is interrupted and the error message (Unable to complete action | Error sending crosstab to Excel) is displayed in Tableau Desktop.I think the message should be modified to something like "Process was interrupted | Unable to...