Hello all. I've written a bit of c++ code that uses c++11 (clang 3.0 has what I need in c++0x, although I'll need c++11 when I switch over to a gnu compiler due to a computer change). The mex file is little more than an interface to the original c++ code, which compiles and...
Unable to open WampServer's config file, please change path in index.php file 在设置完wampserver的自定义网站根目录后,在wamp面板上点击localhost或者在浏览器输入localhost会出现下图 修改index.php文件里的$server_dir = "../"; 改成绝对地址$server_dir = "F:/wamp/"; $wampConfFile = $server_...
can no longer drag arrow to change next statement to execute in vs05 Can not find dll and lib file after successfully build Can not open afxcontrolbars.h no such file or directory Can not open include file 'vcruntime.h' error. Can someone explain WS_EX_COMPOSITED Can std::string be...