If your max header length is too small to accommodate the AdminUI session cookie, AdminUI will be unable to authenticate and will enter a redirect loop. To fix this, increase the maximum header size for your AdminUI site. We recommend a value of at least 128KB. Invalid client secret If...
The identity token, which is used to authenticate a user in Add-In, contains an encoded Exchange MetaData URL, which is used to download Exchange meta-info and perform the validation process. Server-Side Integration is trying to connect to Exchange MetaData URL https://somehost.com:443/...
When using the Claimes-based authentication (and/or OpenID as the authentication protocol) as for the security purpose, it is designed to use the HTTP Host header value to cross verification the incoming request's origin. To be able to authenticate successfully when using Claims-based authenticati...
While searching online, I found that it is possible to mount the folder on Linux using the "cifs-utils" package with the following command: sudo mount -t cifs // /root/projects/ -o noauto,user,credentials=/root/.smb-credentials,noperm,uid=501,gid=20,sec=ntlmssp,noun...
As in the title. I do not know what could have caused that. I modified single file (`Cluster_1/Master/worldgenoverride.lua`) to the following: Quote worldgenoverride.lua KLEI 1 return { override_enabled = true, worldgen_preset = "SURVIVAL_TOGETHER", sett
you can see this in the above section under my first postthis is an implicit base constructor call. so i don't think it have some issue.and if i try to do like this then there is no benefit of my generic pattern for repository
Im using a cisco3640 conected directly to a workstation(with a pppoe client/dialer) via ethernet(PPPoe enabled). the serial of the router connected to another router wich connects to my radius server. I'm trying to use RADIUS to authenticate a PPPoE session. The request to authenticate wa...
However, when I made a source change and chose "Commit" from the Xcode Source Control menu and then clicked the "push to remote" checkbox in the lower left corner, it worked! It asked me to authenticate, and that worked fine. It also added the repo to the Xcode account prefs. Honestly...
I'm unable to make an outgoing call. I could see "No auth info found for call id" from debugging msg. But it's working fine with iPhone. Android ( Not Working ): 2020-03-29 01:21:03.636 3631-3631/org.linphone.debug I/Linphone: Changing [...
When trying to configure the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Microsoft Office Outlook against the Dynamics CRM Online environment, you get the following error:Cannot connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM server because we cannot authenticate your credentials. Check your connection or contact you...