客户配置tuxedo连接oracle,一直报错,无法使用tuxedo用户登录oracle。 oracle open的状态下,使用tuxedo用户,进入sqlplus,显示connect to an idle instance 然后尝试startup,报错如下: ORA-27123: unable to attach to shared memory segment SVR4 Error: 13: Permission denied 对于非oracle用户使用sqlplus时,需要将该用户加...
RAC数据库的ORA-27123: Unable To Attach To Shared Memory Segment Linux-x86_64 Error: 22: Invalid argument RAC数据库的场景 由于生产环境的某业务大量写操作,导致出现了如下的错误: Making DataFactory:com.raqsoft.report.dataset.SQLDataSetFactory failure (dataset named):ds1 Caused:ORA-01034: ORACLE not ...
Oracle Linux: Startup Error ORA-27123: Unable To Attach To Shared Memory Segment Linux-x86_64 Error: 22: Invalid argument (Doc ID 1607545.1) Last updated on JULY 17, 2024 Applies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 6.2 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel [2.6.32] to Oracle Linux 6.2 ...
客户配置tuxedo连接oracle,一直报错,无法使用tuxedo用户登录oracle。 oracle open的状态下,使用tuxedo用户,进入sqlplus,显示connect to an idle instance 然后尝试startup,报错如下: ORA-27123: unable to attach to shared memory segment SVR4 Error: 13: Permission denied 对于非oracle用户使用sqlplus时,需要将该用户加...
ORA-27125是Oracle数据库在尝试创建共享内存段时遇到的一个错误。错误消息“unable to create shared memory segment”表明Oracle数据库无法成功分配所需的共享内存资源。 2. 错误代码28对应的系统错误 错误代码28通常表示“没有剩余空间”(No space left on device)。在Linux系统中,这通常指的是无法为新的共享内存段...
alter system set sga_target=27g scope=spfile; alter system set pga_aggregate_target=10g scope=spfile; 与对方确认可以停库后,重启数据库. 此时新告警产生. 报错ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment 数据库无法启动,顿时感觉后背发凉,至于原因我猜DBA都懂,关库前确认客户端连接将近1000,马上...
ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment Cause: shmget() call failed Action: contact Oracle support 查询了一下,发现问题和linux上的hugetbl有关。 解决方法也很简单,首先检查oracle用户的组信息: [oracle@yans1 ~]$ id oracle uid=500(oracle) gid=502(oinstall) groups=502(oinstall),501(dba...
数据库DBCA安装时报错:ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment 问题原因:sga大小和内核参数...
Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment Linux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device Additional information: 3760 Additional information: 3674210304 ===
ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment Hi Expert, I have problem when startup Oracle 12c in solaris cluster, in configuraation : - solaris 10 x86-64bit - osc3.3 - oracle 12c release 2 enterprise - physical memory 64GB note : the current setting for shared memory...