Altium Designer 中添加过孔阵列时出现 Unable to add any stitching vias to net gnd是怎么回事? 如题,在AD中添加过孔阵列时添加不上,以前用同样的方法都可以。求解,谢谢!只有一个网络。wt1989yd 2017-08-29 编程语言 |举报 答题抽奖 首次认真答题后 即可获得3次抽奖机会,100%中奖。 更多问题 可选中1个或...
unable to ..解决了。解决方法是,敷铜先不要使用网格敷铜等,先改成整片敷铜,然后再使用缝合孔,使用完了如果还想使用网格敷铜,就改一下敷铜形状从新敷一下铜。
unable to ..解决了。解决方法是,敷铜先不要使用网格敷铜等,先改成整片敷铜,然后再使用缝合孔,使用完了如果还想使用网格敷铜,就改一下敷铜形状从新敷一下铜。
I assume you are already using Examine Geometry to determine which edges are still "free" and not stitching, so that tells you where you need to focus. You don't mention how much "freedom" you are allowed to tweak the geometry to make this work, but if you can't make any changes an...
Remotely we will use schema stitching over related domain services to support cross-service queries. For example, in the model above, sinceOrdersrelates toCustomersas well as toProducts, we should be able to query allOrdersfor a givenCustomer, whereProductname is equal to some value. Or, as ...
However, I need to do the unwrapping from scratch, which means that I need to delete, remove or reset what's been done before, but I'm finding it imposible! I've tried adding the UVW Mapping Clear modifier, stitching the seams, removing them by clicking ALT+left in the Edit Seam ...
分享3赞 altium吧 蓝梦妖蝶 unable to add any stitching vias to net GND 为什么添加过孔阵列总是失败? 以前不能添加是因为,顶层没铺铜。但是我已经铺铜了。还是不行。 分享82 pokemongo吧 狐狸大王🐒 选new player然后选Pokemon traner club登录之后输入账号密码就转圈,转转转好久之后提示unable to authenticate...