针对你遇到的问题“unable to acquire jdbc connection [hikaripool-1 - connection is not available]”,这通常表示HikariCP连接池无法在配置的超时时间内获取到数据库连接。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和检查点,帮助你定位并解决问题: 检查数据库服务是否正常运行: 确保数据库服务器正在运行,并且可以从应用程序服务器...
【开发问题】-数据库连接池超时-“Unable to acquire JDBC Connection“,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
环境变量和属性:检查你的环境变量和系统属性设置,确保没有误导Spring应用连接到错误的位置或使用错误的凭据。通过上述步骤,你应该能够定位导致“Unable to acquire JDBC Connection”错误的原因,并采取适当的措施来解决它。请注意,具体的解决方案可能因你的项目配置和使用的技术栈而有所不同。如果你遵循上述步骤仍然无法...
Tomcat version: 9.0.36 After running the application for some days. HIKARI has stopped acquiring new DB. Thread pool count dropped to 0. I have set oracle timout connection also. I had to reboot the docker pods in order to resolve the issue. Not sure what is happening. Kindly advise wher...
The default pool size on HikariCP is ten. If an instant high load with more than ten threads occurs the connection pool can't acquire a connection in time. That's 30 seconds until it timeouts altough the request itself would take far less than a second. I've created and attached an ap...
open JPA EntityManager for transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection 请您参考如下方法: 您的连接已用完。 尝试将 Hikari 连接池设置为更大的数字: spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size=10...
org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Unable to acquire JDBC Connection I suspect it could be because of exception thrown from @Transactional method ( only at times though). Is it Ok to throw excaption from @Transactional method? or it is a bad practice? Here is my service...
Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator - Version to [Release 6]: OUTA:Unable To Acquire JDBC Connection -Connection Is Not Available, Request Timed
当事务提交或者回滚后session 自动失效 openSession:每次都会打开一个新的session.加入每次使用多次。则...
Environment HikariCP version: 2.7.3 JDK version: 1.8.0_121 Database: MySQL Driver version: x.x.x Hibernate version: 5.1.10.Final Tomcat version: 8.5.23 After a few hours running, my application stop working. I'm getting a few leak detect...