001、问题 root@ubuntu01:/home/software#git clone https://github.com/samtools/htslibCloning into'htslib'...fatal: unable to access'https://github.com/samtools/htslib/': GnuTLS recv error (-54): Errorinthe pull function. 002、解决方法, 构建ssh密钥(使用ssh下载链接) a\ root@ubuntu01:/home...
1. 命令, 报如下错误信息 : root@octopus:~/ijkplayer/ijkplayer-master# git clone https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer.git ijkplayer-android 正克隆到'ijkplayer-android'... fatal: unable to access'https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Errorinthe pullfunction. ...
Describe the bug git clone https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function. Is there an existing issu...
Error: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxx/xxx/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function. tricantivumentioned this issueMar 21, 2024
在CentOs克隆别人的repo的时候,出现:fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/deviantony/docker-elk.git/’: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused。 解决方案 tips:这其实是一个代理的问题,git的无法代理http/https,因而取消代理 ...
git pull fatal: unable to access 'https://xxxxxxxx': The requested URL returned error:502 fatal: unable to access ‘https://xxxxxxxx’: The requested URL returned error:502 很大一部分原因是在首次提交代码时把账号密码打错了 解决办法: 1、点击WIN10左下角的开始选项,选择设置。 2、搜索管理Web凭...
Furthermore, the issue I face is when this error occurs is that my ssh file is changed somehow and the password_authentication parameter inside the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file is changed from yes to no, making me unable to access my VM using softwares like Xschell or Putty. This error ...
The query all runs fine in the query editor, however after saving and trying to refresh the dataflow it fails with the following error:[Unable to combine data] Section1/Campaign Visits/Changed column type 1 references other queries or steps so it may not directly access a data source....
unable to access ‘https://github.com/xxxxxx/bosc-web.git/‘: OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection was res,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
The Visual Basic compiler calls the Assembly Linker (Al.exe, also known as Alink) to generate an assembly with a manifest, and the linker reports an error in the emission stage of creating the assembly.Error ID: BC30145To correct this error...