"Unable to connect to web server 'iis express'". I need to run multiple projects so I may debug the client calling the server so this is still a big problem for me.I found a thread where it appears they are trying to track this problem, but I guess no solution yet?
First, I need to find out what if I can have some sort of log file or error message. Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express' doesn't help. Visual Studio in this case didn't really help me much to give more information about this issue. After doing some digging around on Inte...
356 ASP.NET 5 MVC: unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express' 359 Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server 15 Asp.Net Core: Debug -Attach to process is not working Related 8 Unable to connect webserver 'IIS Express' 6 "Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express'" ...
Answer: Do not restart your system (did this and it failed to work for me most times), rather, save all your work items, then shut down your system to allow all running process to shut down, then power on again. If you do a restart, IIS Express may not get shut down completely, ...
After I entered http://api.plamobi.com:3497/ instead of http://localhost:3497/ into App URL field in project properties, I get Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express' Author xperiandri commented Jul 15, 2016 Resolved by using the workaround from http://stackoverflow.com/questions...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35675747/asp-net-5-mvc-unable-to-connect-to-web-server-iis-express The root cause for this issue can be complicated so it is appreciated if you could post more information. Best Regards, Jokies Ding
Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server 尝试运行程序,出现此异常提示Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server. 解决问题,是把网址修改为另一个试试: 把http://localhost:11144/改为http://localhost:11145/ 修改方法如下: 在Project的Solution Explorer,对Project Name右键单击,打开properties。
尝试运行程序,出现此异常提示Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server. 解决问题,是把网址修改为另一个试试: 把http://localhost:11144/改为http://localhost:11145/ 修改方法如下: 在Project的Solution Explorer,对Project Name右键单击,打开properties。
We have a slightly different message if the web server process has terminated, so in your case it appears that it was still running. Just not listening on the port we are expecting. I’ll investigate improving the message, maybe with a pointer to check the output window, etc...
I then remembered than when I installed Web Matrix it told me it could not access the IIS Express config file and if I would like to create a new config file. It turns out that this adds a new REG_SZ value called CustomUserHome at HKEY_CURRENT_US...