and therefore, it cannot be deleted. To resolve this, you need to find the processes that are using the X server and terminate them. Before doing so, be aware that this can cause your graphical user interface to stop functioning,
服务器端的socket接口 Socket是建立网络连接时使用的,在连接成功时,应用程序两端都会产生一个Socke 找美橙,查询域名,送网站、邮箱 查询域名,找美橙,ICANN认证单位,购买域名,免费赠送网站,企业邮箱。!广告 socket478发音问题 其实都不是,是“sao kie t” 是"三错哦 普绕赛思 优内特” codegearsocketserver有什么用...
While opening TigerVNC, unable to connect to socket: Connection refused(10061) is showing up. Please help
在文件中输入 # default: on# description: The telnet server serves telnet sessions; it uses \# unencrypted username/password pairs for authentication.service telnet{disable= noflags = REUSEsocket_type = streamwait= nouser = rootserver = /usr/sbin/in.telnetdlog_on_failure += USERID} 重启Ubuntu...
tp5 gateway 报错 stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tcp:// (Connection refused) 先检查端口是否放行(阿里云的安全组、宝塔的防火墙) 查看worker 的 registerAddress 端口是否与报错的端口的一致。 如果配置的不是 1236 端口,直接修改workman里的配置 :project\vendor\workerman ...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused 错误原因 能够执行telnet命令并不代表系统中安装了telnet服务。 由于是远程连接本地,所以本地需要有telnet服务才能进行连接。 输入命令 $ netstat -tnl 查看端口状态 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0
不能从一行log就判断问题, 我猜如果是RPC调用的话,链接建立的IP和转发端口不对,如果是socket链接的话,配置认证信息有问题。
start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused 解决: sudo dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl 1. ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl 1. 2. 3. (此方法没试过。) ...
I got the following error when I attempted "vagrant up" on the standard ubuntu/vivid64 with virtualbox: initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused The full error stream is here: Be sur...
您好!更新后出现以下问题: error_log [07-May-2018 11:11:04 Asia/Shanghai] PHP Warning: socket_connect(): unable to connect [111]: Connection refused in /path/to/BilibiliHelper/src/Socket.php on line 44 log: [2018-05-07 11:54:51] Bilibili.WARNING: 弹幕服.