联合国(UN)最新公布的《世界人口展望》(World Population Prospects)报告指出,目前地球上的总人数已达77亿,而在接下来的30年里,世界人口总量会增加到97亿。预计到本世纪末.人口总量将激增至109亿!:205097亿25年202580亿26年199960亿12年198750亿13年197440亿17年195730亿小1.扇形统计图的特点是什么?2.除了扇...
2022. World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results. New York: United Nations. Book Google Scholar United Nations Security Council. 2005. Resolution 1612 (2005). S/RES/1612 (2005). New York: United Nations. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N05/439/59/PDF/N0543959....
Pozos-Guillen A.,et al. Dental caries prevalence, prospects, andchallenges for Latin America and Caribbeancountries: a summary and final recommendationsfrom a Regional Consensus. Braz OralRes. 2021; 35 (c): 1-15.
United Nations, “World population prospects 2019: highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/423)”, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. New York, U.S., 2019. [Online]. Available: https://population.un.org/wpp/. has been cited by the following article: Article 1Department of F...
21 to take stock of the Syrian conflict and discuss prospects for ending the fighting, which is now in its sixth year. New Zealand's U.N. Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, whose country holds the council presidency, said members are expected to discuss the "political initiative" that U.N...
Children fathered and abandoned by United Nations peacekeepers are an unintended consequence of peacekeeping operations. Research suggests that the social
Abstract The water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, has recently made national and international headlines as a major environmental catastrophe, impacting the public health and wellbeing of residents. Here we focus on Jackson’s most prevalent and vulnerable population, its children, by assessing how ...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 18 G.O. Conti, M. Ferrante, M. Banni, C. Favara, I. Nicolosi, A. Cristaldi, F. Maria, P. Zuccarello Micro-and nano-plastics in edible fruit and vegetables. The first diet risks assessment for the general population Environ Res (2020)...
Basten S. Re-examining the fertility assumptions for Pacific Asia in the UN’s 2010 World Population Prospects [Internet]. Oxford; 2013. Report No.: 2013–01. Available: http://www.spi.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/documents/pdf/Barnett_Paper_13-01.pdf ....
Consumerism, self-creation and prospects for a new ecological consciousness J. Clean. Prod., 18 (6) (2010), pp. 571-575 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Han et al., 2017 J. Han, Y. Seo, E. Ko Staging luxury experiences for understanding sustainable fashion consumption: ...