The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Saturday that authorizes an initial deployment of up to 300 unarmed military observers to Syria for three months to monitor a fragile week-old cease-fire between the military and opposition. It's the first time the council has authorized...
It is often said that justice delayed is justice denied. Nevertheless, in this particular case, the adage “better late than never” more aptly captures the significance of this resolution.
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley addresses the United Nations Security Council, Monday, Sept. 17, 2018, at U.N. headquarters. (AP Photo/Richard Drew) WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will call for global action on the world drug problem, lay out his vision of the U.S. role in ...
And now here we are. The Obama administration has done everything it can to undermine its own publicly articulated goals. It continues to support Israel unconditionally as it settles the West Bank with impunity. Last Februaryit cast the sole veto voteon a UN Security Council resolution that con...
Huang spoke at a meeting co-organized by China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the European Union's Delegation to the UN, and UN Women. The meeting, a side event of the 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status o...
Huang spoke at a meeting co-organized by China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the European Union's Delegation to the UN, and UN Women. The meeting, a side event of the 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), focused on the significance of financial...
Venezuela’s National Electoral Council, which is stacked with Maduro loyalists, said he won the election with 52% of the vote. But opposition supporters collected tally sheets from 80% of the nation's electronic voting machines, and said that indicated González had ...
What is the Biblical significance of this information? Jerusalem was to be "trodden down of the Gentiles" until the "time of the Gentiles" was fulfilled. That ancient Bible prophecy referred to the period that began in 70 AD, when the Roman General Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the Jews went...
“The conversation I had with the president left me in no doubt of the significance of what he had discussed with the prime minister of Israel,” Mr Harris said in Washington. “Israel will have to be judged on what it does and not what it says. “And w...
Brian Urquhart, his biographer, noted that “he had been proposed originally by the Western permanent members of the Security Council on the mistaken assumption that as Secretary-General he would be a safe, rather colorless, non-political technocrat.” Brian Urquhart, “International Peace and Secur...